
FREE ACTION PLAN: Want fewer tantrums? Here's how.

FREE ACTION PLAN: Want fewer tantrums? Here's how.

I know what it’s like to feel so embarrassed as my kid is screaming and crying in the supermarket over a box of teddy bear cookies and the whole shop is staring at us!

I know the panic feeling when you’re not sure how to react – should I get strict with her to get her to be quiet? Or if I cuddle her enough will she calm down? What will work?!

Shouldn’t I be able to calm her down and get her to be quiet? I’m her mother! And what did I do wrong that caused her to lose it like this?!

Well it doesn't have to be this hard! And I'd like to help you make your child's meltdowns easier and fewer.

How to Get Through the Day Smoothly With a Strong-Willed Child!

How to Get Through the Day Smoothly With a Strong-Willed Child!

Now I consider myself a total expert in this area! Not just because I’ve done a load of research into this area, but mainly because I have a super-strong-willed daughter who will not just DO something when you ask. No, that would be too simple…. :-)

But I’ve found the way to get her to co-operate with what I need her to do (most of the time!). So here are the tactics that really work.


When my child hits me and says “I hate you” why should I have empathy for them?!

When my child hits me and says “I hate you” why should I have empathy for them?!

When your child screams "I hate you!" and hits you, it's possibly the most difficult time ever to be nice to them! Would you agree?! 

We feel hurt - in our heart and on our bruised leg. At this point, it’s pretty hard to empathise with your child and be calm and kind.

So why should we parents be sympathetic with our kids when they say they hate us and turn into crazed balls of aggression?! And how can we not react to our own upset at being hit or screamed at?

What do I do when my child has a tantrum and can I avoid them?

What do I do when my child has a tantrum and can I avoid them?

[Q] Argh – tantrums! What do I do when my 4yo has a tantrum? And can I avoid them happening? It’s so embarrassing having him meltdown in front of other people.

[A] If you’re getting tantrums from your young child, you’re not doing a bad job of parenting! Tantrums are a normal part of kids development. Young children get overwhelmed with their emotions and don’t know how to manage them so it takes over.