Behaviour Challenges

Is your child hitting? Here's what you can do.

Is your child hitting? Here's what you can do.

What is it with the hitting?! If your child is anything like mine, he or she sometimes gets into an out-of-control hitting frenzy. It could be only occasional, or maybe it’s turned into a real phase.

Actually this is very common – and it’s completely normal behaviour for toddlers and preschool kids (and even school-age kids).

So why is the hitting happening? And what can we do about it.

Why I'll never lock my daughter in the laundry

Why I'll never lock my daughter in the laundry

I know I'm sounding controversial with this week's blog title! But I'm not actually being that extreme - locking your child in the laundry is truly one of the discipline recommendations of one of the most widely accepted parenting approaches in Australia and overseas.

While there are many good things about this program, I want to take issue with this recommendation.

Why do they tell parents to lock their kids in the laundry? 

How Do I Know if What I'm Doing With my Kids is Right?

How Do I Know if What I'm Doing With my Kids is Right?

Does “parenting doubt” plague you? Often wondering whether your parenting choices are the right ones?

It’s hard to feel sure about your choices when you see another parent doing things differently and their child seems so much better behaved than yours. Or when your mother-in-law comments how your child is “a handful, isn’t he?”   

Today I want to help you feel confident about your choices and let go of any nagging doubts. I believe there are two main ways to know if how you’re parenting is ‘right’ or not.

5 Simple Ways to Calm Your Kids Down

5 Simple Ways to Calm Your Kids Down

Do you have times where your kids are just bouncing off the walls or being hyperactive or rough? They don’t seem to listen to anything we say and just do frustrating things like throwing, hitting or running away.

For a tired parent these times can be really challenging. Sticking the kids in front of the TV or iPad can seem like a quick fix, but often they’re even worse when it’s time to turn it off and they have a massive meltdown when you try and switch it off!

So here are five quick and simple ways to calm your kids down when you need it (that don’t involve a screen)!

What do I do when my child has a tantrum and can I avoid them?

What do I do when my child has a tantrum and can I avoid them?

[Q] Argh – tantrums! What do I do when my 4yo has a tantrum? And can I avoid them happening? It’s so embarrassing having him meltdown in front of other people.

[A] If you’re getting tantrums from your young child, you’re not doing a bad job of parenting! Tantrums are a normal part of kids development. Young children get overwhelmed with their emotions and don’t know how to manage them so it takes over.