Setting limits

Why I'll never lock my daughter in the laundry

Why I'll never lock my daughter in the laundry

I know I'm sounding controversial with this week's blog title! But I'm not actually being that extreme - locking your child in the laundry is truly one of the discipline recommendations of one of the most widely accepted parenting approaches in Australia and overseas.

While there are many good things about this program, I want to take issue with this recommendation.

Why do they tell parents to lock their kids in the laundry? 

Six Ways to Shift From Battle to Calm With Your Kids (WITH BONUS CHEAT SHEET)

Six Ways to Shift From Battle to Calm With Your Kids (WITH BONUS CHEAT SHEET)

Are you sick of the battles with your kids every time you want them to do something? Would you like to find a calmer way to get through every day with them?!

Today I have a step-by-step guide for you to shift the dynamic with your kids from conflict and battle, to calm and loving instead.

Plus, I’ve got a downloadable Cheat Sheet “6 ways to Shift from Battle to Calm” full of specific strategies you can use to shift the dynamic when you’re in the heat of the moment trying to get your kids to do something!

How Do I Know if What I'm Doing With my Kids is Right?

How Do I Know if What I'm Doing With my Kids is Right?

Does “parenting doubt” plague you? Often wondering whether your parenting choices are the right ones?

It’s hard to feel sure about your choices when you see another parent doing things differently and their child seems so much better behaved than yours. Or when your mother-in-law comments how your child is “a handful, isn’t he?”   

Today I want to help you feel confident about your choices and let go of any nagging doubts. I believe there are two main ways to know if how you’re parenting is ‘right’ or not.

Why Is My Child Being So DIFFICULT Lately?!

Why Is My Child Being So DIFFICULT Lately?!

Has your child ever gone through a difficult stage - where they have become angry, aggressive, and totally unreasonable for weeks on end..? These phases are usually due to a big life change or a developmental leap that is stressing your child's emotional and physical system.

Parenting is hard enough, so why do we have to deal with these difficult stages and what can we do about it?

The biggest doubt people have about mindful, connected parenting

The biggest doubt people have about mindful, connected parenting

I want to answer one of the biggest doubts (and most common question) I hear from people about using mindful parenting (especially coming from partners!).

“Aren’t we teaching our kids to be naughty if, every time they act out, we reward them with our attention?”

It’s a good question! And the answer lies in understanding how our children’s minds work and how they develop control over themselves.

Minimising Meltdowns and Getting Kids to Co-operate (With Free Cheat Sheet)

Minimising Meltdowns and Getting Kids to Co-operate (With Free Cheat Sheet)

According to most parents I talk to, getting kids to co-operate is up there with their biggest challenges. 

Whether you need ideas to simply get your kids out the door peacefully, or help with a hitting or angry child, I’ve put together the definitive mindful parenting guide to managing meltdowns and getting kids to co-operate.

And don't miss the bonus downloadable Cheat Sheet listing the strategies you can use in those tricky situations!  

Simplifying Life #2 - Reducing Digital Overload and Creating a Calmer Home

Simplifying Life #2 - Reducing Digital Overload and Creating a Calmer Home

Does your mind feel frazzled and full of too many things to juggle? The combination of fast and busy lives and the information overload of so much use of technology is causing your brain to overflow! And our children are suffering from this too.

Well, it’s not too late for you to take charge of your kids’ lives – and your own – to cut down the digital overload and get some headspace. Your children can still have a simpler, creative childhood, but it will take a bit of effort on your part to design it this way. 

Read on for 5 Ways to free up childhood from technology5 Ways to Simplify Your Child’s Home Environment, and finally 5 Ways to Find More Headspace in your own life.

[Q&A] What can I do to stop the conflict with my kids about screen-time?

[Q&A] What can I do to stop the conflict with my kids about screen-time?

[Q] One of the biggest areas of conflict in our house is around screen time. The kids are always nagging for more time on the iPad or TV, and I feel they have plenty as it is. My oldest child is getting his own laptop at school next year. I’m worried it will become even more of an issue. What can I do?

[A] Yes – I hear you! This is one of the biggest issues facing parents. This is where parents need to really take charge, work out what you think is okay for your child, and set clear limits. Screen time is a slippery-slope.