Happy Parents

Want to stop shouting for good? Here's how to heal your anger

Want to stop shouting for good? Here's how to heal your anger

When anger and shouting at your kids becomes an almost daily event you might start to wonder: Why am I so angry all the time? And how can I stop this?!

In this week’s blog I’ve distilled down the deeper reasons why we parents can feel SO angry with our kids. If you can understand what’s really triggering your anger and reactivity, you’re in a much better position to heal yourself from it.

Essentially we are taking whatever happens with our kids very personally. When we’re upset, the situation has become all about us (in our minds, at least!).

The Hardest Thing About Being a Parent and How to Overcome It

The Hardest Thing About Being a Parent and How to Overcome It

What’s the hardest thing about being a parent? Do you think I’m going to say “lack of sleep”?! For me that’s definitely been up there as a massive challenge.

But, No! The hardest thing about parenting is the stress of believing that there’s something wrong with our kids and blaming ourselves for it.

When our toddler has a tantrum or our baby won’t sleep at night or our preschooler won’t eat dinner night after night, we can suffer so much about these things.

Want to know why we suffer and what you can do about it?

My Three Favourite Parenting Books. Have you read these?

My Three Favourite Parenting Books. Have you read these?

Today I want to share with you my top 3 favourite parenting books!

When I was a new mama and didn’t know what I was doing, these books saved me. From the knowledge in these books, I learnt how to handle my daughter’s big emotions and her stubborn behaviours and calm her down. I found guidance to parent in ways that aligned with my values – like using love and connection rather than fear and punishment to get my child through every day tasks.

Read on for my top 3 books!

How to feel a whole lot better about your kids - and your parenting!

How to feel a whole lot better about your kids - and your parenting!

Have you ever been embarrassed by your kids' wild behaviour compared to all the other "angels" at playgroup or kinder? Or seen the calm, happy family in the park and wished your family was like that? You could be suffering from Comparisonitis!

Today I’m going to give you 3 reasons why avoiding Comparisonitis will make you much happier, and 3 ways you can cure yourself of it.