
Want to stop shouting for good? Here's how to heal your anger

Want to stop shouting for good? Here's how to heal your anger

When anger and shouting at your kids becomes an almost daily event you might start to wonder: Why am I so angry all the time? And how can I stop this?!

In this week’s blog I’ve distilled down the deeper reasons why we parents can feel SO angry with our kids. If you can understand what’s really triggering your anger and reactivity, you’re in a much better position to heal yourself from it.

Essentially we are taking whatever happens with our kids very personally. When we’re upset, the situation has become all about us (in our minds, at least!).

6 Ways to Calm Your Anger With Your Kids

6 Ways to Calm Your Anger With Your Kids

In case you think you’re the only one who get angry with their kids… let me confess. A few weeks ago I lost it with my daughter.

So I totally understand why YOU get angry with your kids!

In the midst of your child being a nightmare, it’s natural to get angry!

Well in this two-part blog post I’m going to explain why you’re really getting triggered and angry with your kids. I’m going to help you work out what’s underneath the anger so you can heal it.

And I’ll give you five simple ways to help stop shouting and turning into a monster when your kids are difficult.