
Minimising Meltdowns and Getting Kids to Co-operate (With Free Cheat Sheet)

Minimising Meltdowns and Getting Kids to Co-operate (With Free Cheat Sheet)

According to most parents I talk to, getting kids to co-operate is up there with their biggest challenges. 

Whether you need ideas to simply get your kids out the door peacefully, or help with a hitting or angry child, I’ve put together the definitive mindful parenting guide to managing meltdowns and getting kids to co-operate.

And don't miss the bonus downloadable Cheat Sheet listing the strategies you can use in those tricky situations!  

Why Crying Can Actually Be a Good Thing!

Why Crying Can Actually Be a Good Thing!

Letting your child cry at the right times can actually be good for them. What’s more, trying to stop your child from crying could actually be doing them more harm than good.  

But there are two key ingredients that mark the difference between crying that’s helpful for their happiness versus potentially damaging: (1) Your connection with them and (2) Your empathy. This blog will give you a step by step process for how to ensure you get these key ingredients right.  

How (and Why) to Teach Your Child that Emotions Are Okay

How (and Why) to Teach Your Child that Emotions Are Okay

Many of us were taught as kids that it was not okay to feel strong emotions - high excitement, anger, sadness, fear were all frowned upon. Settle down, be quiet, pull yourself together, we were told. But the problem with that is we learnt to bottle up our emotions or try to get rid of them - resulting in pent up frustration, anxiety, depression or feeling totally disconnected from others.

We need to teach our kids a better way to handle emotions.