Kids Co-operation

5 Ways to Make Travel with Kids Easier (by Plane, Train or Automobile)

5 Ways to Make Travel with Kids Easier (by Plane, Train or Automobile)

Have you thought about taking your kids on a long trip? Or you’ve done it and it was a nightmare?! This article gives you some practical tips on how to make it easier and more fun! 

After a whole year travelling through the New Zealand, USA, Ecuador and the UK I’ve learnt a thing or two about helping kids (and therefore parents) enjoy travel! 

Here are my top tips to enjoy the ride.

How to Keep Your Young Kids Occupied When You Need to Get Stuff Done!

How to Keep Your Young Kids Occupied When You Need to Get Stuff Done!

One of the THE most common questions I hear from parents with kids under 5 - how do I keep my child occupied so I can get stuff done?! 

Letting the kids watch some TV is how many parents get a moment's peace to cook dinner/make calls/do housework. But what if there are other more creative games that your kids could focus on without needing you?

I've put together a guide for you: How to Keep Kids Occupied So You Can Get Stuff Done! 

How to Get Through the Day Smoothly With a Strong-Willed Child!

How to Get Through the Day Smoothly With a Strong-Willed Child!

Now I consider myself a total expert in this area! Not just because I’ve done a load of research into this area, but mainly because I have a super-strong-willed daughter who will not just DO something when you ask. No, that would be too simple…. :-)

But I’ve found the way to get her to co-operate with what I need her to do (most of the time!). So here are the tactics that really work.


How to calm your strong-willed child with free play (and it’s good for them too!)

How to calm your strong-willed child with free play (and it’s good for them too!)

Play for kids so important – they need it to feel FREEDOM. They need it to learn and make sense of their world. And, of course, they want to have fun!

But, as I’ve being finding, play is also a key way to help them calm down and feel in charge of their own little lives – which results in better behaviour.

So if you’re struggling with your child constantly refusing to do what you ask and pushing back against all your plans, try giving them more free play – it may just help!

Six Ways to Shift From Battle to Calm With Your Kids (WITH BONUS CHEAT SHEET)

Six Ways to Shift From Battle to Calm With Your Kids (WITH BONUS CHEAT SHEET)

Are you sick of the battles with your kids every time you want them to do something? Would you like to find a calmer way to get through every day with them?!

Today I have a step-by-step guide for you to shift the dynamic with your kids from conflict and battle, to calm and loving instead.

Plus, I’ve got a downloadable Cheat Sheet “6 ways to Shift from Battle to Calm” full of specific strategies you can use to shift the dynamic when you’re in the heat of the moment trying to get your kids to do something!

5 Simple Ways to Calm Your Kids Down

5 Simple Ways to Calm Your Kids Down

Do you have times where your kids are just bouncing off the walls or being hyperactive or rough? They don’t seem to listen to anything we say and just do frustrating things like throwing, hitting or running away.

For a tired parent these times can be really challenging. Sticking the kids in front of the TV or iPad can seem like a quick fix, but often they’re even worse when it’s time to turn it off and they have a massive meltdown when you try and switch it off!

So here are five quick and simple ways to calm your kids down when you need it (that don’t involve a screen)!

The biggest doubt people have about mindful, connected parenting

The biggest doubt people have about mindful, connected parenting

I want to answer one of the biggest doubts (and most common question) I hear from people about using mindful parenting (especially coming from partners!).

“Aren’t we teaching our kids to be naughty if, every time they act out, we reward them with our attention?”

It’s a good question! And the answer lies in understanding how our children’s minds work and how they develop control over themselves.

Minimising Meltdowns and Getting Kids to Co-operate (With Free Cheat Sheet)

Minimising Meltdowns and Getting Kids to Co-operate (With Free Cheat Sheet)

According to most parents I talk to, getting kids to co-operate is up there with their biggest challenges. 

Whether you need ideas to simply get your kids out the door peacefully, or help with a hitting or angry child, I’ve put together the definitive mindful parenting guide to managing meltdowns and getting kids to co-operate.

And don't miss the bonus downloadable Cheat Sheet listing the strategies you can use in those tricky situations!